Our Australasian Really Useful Information Leaflet is available to download here. This version is newly updated as at July 2018. This is an initiative of the UK based Federation of Family History Societies in association with the Australian Federation of Family History Organisations and the Society of Australian Genealogists.

Our Australasian Really Useful Information Leaflet

Produced by the Federation of Family History Societies (FFHS), in association with the Society of Australian Genealogists and Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations Inc. Updated 2018.

For over 40 years, the Federation of Family History Societies has represented family historians and supported, informed and advised our membership, which consists of family history societies and similar bodies, in the UK, Australasia and further afield. With an ever-increasing amount of information available on the Internet, provided by commercial, as well as volunteer organisations, there has never been a better time to research your family history. Take a look at our list of useful websites on pages 4 and 5 to get an idea of just how much
information is available to you.