Elected Council and Appointments (2023-2024)

President: Sonya Russell
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Fay Carbis
Australian Capital Territory: Michele Rainger
New South Wales: Sonya Russell
New Zealand: Vacant
Northern Territory: Vacant
South Australia: Vacant
Tasmania: Robyn Gibson
Victoria: Jackie van Bergen
Western Australia: Peter Forrestal
Region Representatives: Gail Hanger
  Kay Ryan
  Jenny Harkness
NVHA Coordinator: Shauna Hicks
NFHM Coordinator: Vacant
Public Officer & Honorary Archivist: June Penny
Honorary Auditor: Ryk Eksteen
Webmaster: Andrew Redfern
Newsflash Editor: Sonya Russell


Council Nominations

We are always looking for quality Councillors to assist in the running and governance of AFFHO. We normally declare all Council positions vacant at the AGM each year, usually in May. Prospective Councillors need to be nominated by an appropriate State Society or umbrella association. The prescribed form must be completed and forwarded to the Secretary by the due date. 

A copy of the nomination form can be downloaded by clicking here.